1.3.3 A beneficial inspiration

    Besides,a more intrinsic significance implied in the above-mentioned reanalysis would liein such a reasonable associative thinking maybe beneficial to us. That is:Though a moving charged particle as well as the moving charges carried by it should beregard......查看详细>>


1.4.1 The real connotation hidden in the given current distribution

    Any contradiction finally means reflexive or self-negation. So,a real science statementmust follow with logic. But,logic itself cannot tell us any fresh reality. Thus,any reliablescience statement can only base upon empirical facts. Therefore,it is necess......查看详细>>


1.4.2 Two different consequences originating from the physical reality

    According to the redefinition(1.4.1) aiming at a general electric circle,and when aspecial current distribution J(x,t) is presupposed,a new derived charge distribution ρ(x,t),which differs from another possibly given independent charge source ρ(x) but is ......查看详细>>


1.4.3 Reiteration on the plain logic principle

    Just same as pointed early by Kant,pure logic can never tell us any really fresh things.Then,except the existing-in-itself material world,which any reliable knowledge canuniquely rely upon,we can say nothing in essential. And,facing with an infinite andmy......查看详细>>


1.5 Maxwell’s equations impossibly used as a proper mathematicphysical model

    According to the above-mentioned discussion,ρ(x) and J(x,t),defined as twoindependent sources to excite electromagnetic field or two independent variables of the formalsystem,should be regarded as two totally distinct or necessarily independently existing......查看详细>>


1.6 Summary

    Without doubt,the classical electromagnetism,which was created successively by a crowdof pioneers continuously struggling in this special and important science area and finallycompleted by Maxwell,has made an irreplaceable and great historical contributio......查看详细>>


2.1.1 A definite expression space endowed with certain material connotation

    Well known,the initial formal expression of Coulomb’s is asThe formula expresses the force F acted on a rest mass particle with charge Q and placed in xby another rest mass particle with charge Q′ and situated at position x′. Clearly,whenconsidering the c......查看详细>>


2.1.2 Certification on the qualification

    Restricted within the finite discourse domain of the classical electromagnetism,or regardedas a universally accepted empirical fact,Coulomb’s law could only be defined between restingcharged bodies. More exactly speaking,when resting charge and moving cha......查看详细>>


2.2.1 Objectivity — the unique criterion to judge material existence

    What a generally said physical reality really is? Or,how can we judge a thing as a reallyexisting or objective material reality? The enquiry might be regarded as a most basic and corescience and philosophic proposition. Or,to rationally answer what realit......查看详细>>


2.2.2 A universal existing principle of science statement

    Maybe as a common knowledge in philosophy or,much more exactly speaking,as anecessary law in logic,any attribute must logically belong to a reality while the reality becomesthe indispensable possessor or the logic subject of the attribute. Or,while a phys......查看详细>>
