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中国激光 页数: 14 2013-01-10
摘要: 光子晶体光纤自诞生至今的十几年来得到了快速发展,不同结构和各具特色的光子晶体光纤层出不穷。以应用于飞秒激光技术的各种光子晶体光纤为主线,介绍了目前基于光子晶体光纤飞秒激光技术的实验研究进展,尤其是高功率、高能量飞秒激光系统的研究现状和发展方向。
Photonic crystal fibers(PCFs) have made a rapid development for the last several years since the first report in 1996.Consequently,all kinds of PCFs with different structures and characteristics have emerged in endlessly.Based on a main thread that the PCFs are used especially to femtosecond laser technologies,a brief overview of the experimental research in this field is presented.Especially the current status and perspective in the high-power/high-energy femtosecond laser systems is highlighted.