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中小型水力发电工程地质勘察 共有 46 个词条内容

8.6 Natural constructions materials

    8.6.1 Review and supplementary exploration for naturalconstruction materials shall be performed in any of the followingcases.(1) A supplementary demonstration is required after review of thefeasibility study report.(2) Due to a larger change in the condit...[继续阅读]


8.7 lnvestigation report

    8.7.1 The engineering geological investigation report shall beprepared in bid lots or in whole according to the actual projectsituation. The content of engineering geological report in mediumproject bidding and design stage may comply with the provisions ...[继续阅读]


9.1 General requirements

    9.1.1 In the detailed design stage, the geological data andconclusions obtained in the earlier investigation stages shall bechecked and approved on the basis of the investigation in the biddingdesign stage. The special engineering geological problems shal...[继续阅读]


9.2 Supplementary investigation

    9.2.1 Supplementary investigation shall include the followingcontents.(1) Engineering geological problems left in the bidding design stagewhich need a supplementary demonstration.(2) Engineering geological problems exposed during the construction.(3) Supp...[继续阅读]


9.3 Construction geology

    9.3.1 Reservoir construction geologic works shall include thefollowing contents.During reservoir impounding process, carry out geological inspection,collect and analyze geological phenomena occurred. Test and correctearlier geological investigation data. ...[继续阅读]


9.4 Results

    9.4.1 For the engineering safety appraisal report or engineeringgeological self-checking report, the main body shall includegeological investigation brief for project area, evaluation on structurestability and major reservoir geological issues, general as...[继续阅读]

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