英法联军入侵与 《天津条约》签订


英法联军入侵与 《天津条约》签订

·在海光寺签订中英 《天津条约》 自左至右坐者: 花沙纳、额尔金、桂良、西马縻各里 (英军司令)

第二次鸦片战争期间,进行了3次大沽口之 战。第一次大沽口之战,始于英国借故进攻广州, 挑起第二次鸦片战争后的第二年,即清咸丰八年 (1858)三月。作为交战方的英、法两国公使,以 交涉修订《南京条约》为借口,率两国舰队驶抵大 沽口进行武力威胁。美、俄两国公使以 “调停”为 名,各率舰队随之而来。
三月十三日 (4月26日),清朝廷任命谭廷襄 为直隶总督,负责与侵略者进行 “修约” 谈判。但 是侵略者已下定战争决心,根本就无诚意谈判,只 是与美、俄串通一气,以谈判为掩护,进行实质 性的作战准备。这时,集结于大沽口外的4国舰艇 共32艘,其中英、法舰艇26艘,军队3500人。清军 在大沽口有道光年间修建的炮台5座,北岸砖炮台 业已坍塌; 集结兵力8000余名。兵力超过敌军一倍 多,又有炮台可守。但是谭廷襄和天津道钱炘和等 人,却无作战的决心,一味寄希望和谈。把运去的 “大炮、器械、粮台重务皆列于炮台”之上,不过 是为了 “以壮观瞻”而已。
四月八日 (5月20日)上午8时,英公使额尔金 和法公使葛罗发出通谍,限令清军在两小时内交出 炮台。10时,英、法联军舰队开始进攻大沽炮台。 英舰 “鸬鹚”号和法舰 “霰弹”号、“火箭”号, 载兵600余人攻北岸炮台。英舰 “纳罗”号和法舰 “雪崩”号、“龙骑兵”号,载兵700余人攻南 岸炮台。炮台守军进行了英勇还击。11时,北炮 台火药库中弹爆炸后失陷。据守南岸炮台的谭廷 襄、钱炘和等人仓惶向天津逃跑,南炮台守军也 全面溃散,火炮、粮台尽陷敌手。战斗仅进行了1 个多小时,敌人伤亡90多人,清军伤亡200余人。 北炮台游击沙春元,南炮台都司陈毅、千总常荣 魁先后阵亡。提督张殿元、总兵达年和协副将德 魁等人,则以疏防怯战获咎,被下狱治罪。
大沽炮台失陷后,四月十四日 (5月26日), 英、法和美、俄联军水、陆两路逼近天津。清政 府被迫派桂良、花沙纳,于五月三、八、十六、 十七等日,分别与俄使普提雅廷、美使列卫廉、 英使额尔金、法使葛罗,在海光寺签订了丧权辱 国的《天津条约》。其主要内容是:
外国公使驻北京; 开放牛庄 (营口)、登州 (烟台)、台湾 (后改定台南)淡水、潮州 (后 改汕头)、琼州、汉口、九江、南京、镇江等处 为通商口岸; 外国人可到内地游历、通商、传 教; 外国军舰、商船可驶入长江及各通商口岸; 修改税则,外货入内地征子口税百分之二点五; 对英赔款四百万两、对法赔款二百万两。后来又 在上海与英、法、美签订《通商章程善后条约》 作为《天津条约》的附约,主要内容是: 鸦片贸 易合法化、海关税务由英人帮办。
《天津条约》是中国社会殖民地化的又一重 要标志,而条约在天津的订立过程,反映出外国 资本主义侵华的注意力已从南方逐渐转向北方。


Three battles occurred at the Dagu Emplacement during the Second Opium War. The first Dagu Emplacement Battle began when UK attacked Guangzhou with a pretext in March,1858 (the eighth year of Emperor Xianfeng). The ambassadors of UK and France led their respective fleets to Dagu Emplacement under the cover of revising the "Nanjing Treaty." The ambassadors of US and Russia followed suits and led their fleets there for the so-called "settlement".
On April 26,the Qing Government appointed Tan Tingxiang,the Governor-General of Zhili and ordered him to be responsible for the "Nanjing Treaty" revision negotiations. However,the invaders intended for war instead of negotiation. They colluded with the US and Russia for the preparations of war under cover of negotiation. Thirty two warships were assembled outside the Dagu Emplacement; British and French ones numbered 26. Their troops totaled 3,500. The Qing army built five cannon fornications during the Emperor Daoguang period. Although the northern fortification had collapsed,the Qing Government stationed 80,000 or so soldiers,two times more than the enemies. It was a pity that Tan Tingxiang determined not to defense but hoped only for negotiations. They displayed the cannons, facilities and army provisions on the emplacement just for a "grand view."
At 8 am on May 20,British Ambassador Lord Elgin and French Ambassador Gloria together issued the diplomatic note. At 10 am,the allied fleet of UK and France began attack the Dagu Emplacement. British Cormorant Sheet,French Shrapnel Sheet and Rocket Sheet carried about 600 soldiers to attack the northern emplacement. Two ships from Britain and France with about 700 soldiers on board began to attack the southern emplacement. The Qing soldiers fought back bravely. At 11 am,the power magazine of the northern emplacement exploded and lost. Tan Tingxiang and Qian Xinhe ran for their lives. The soldiers stationed at the southern emplacement also escaped,leaving the cannons and army provisions to the enemies. The battled lasted only about an hour. The casualties of the enemies were about 90,whereas that of Qing army,about 200 including several officers: Sha Chunyuan,Chen Yi and Rong Kuixian. Zhang Dianyuan,the provincial commander and his subordinates Da Nian and De Kui were put in jail because of their timidity in the war.
On May 26,the allied forces of UK,France,US and Russia approached Tianjin by land and sea. The Qing Dynasty was forced to send Gui Liang and Hua Shana to sign the humiliating Tianjin Treaty at Haiguangsi with Russia,US,UK and France respectively. The main content of the Tianjin Treaty are like the following:
Foreign ambassadors could stay in Beijing; Cities like Niuzhuang(Yingkou),Dengzhou (Yantai); Danshui in Taiwan (later changed into Tainan),Chaozhou (later changed into Shantou),Qiongzhou,Hankou,Jiujiang, Nanjing,Zhenjiang opened ports for business; foreigners could go to inland China to travel,to do business,or to preach; foreign warships and commercial ships could sail in Yangze River and harbor in the ports of the above mentioned cities; tax regulations are revised and the tax rate for foreign commodities was 2.5%; indemnities were paid,4 million liang to Britain and 2 million liang to France. Later,an additional treaty was signed in Shanghai with Britain,France and the US,the main content of this treaty was: to legalize opium trade and to allow the British be involved in China`s custom taxation.
Tianjin Treaty is another important symbol signifying that China`s turning into a colony; The treaty`s signing process in Tianjin indicated that,the foreign invader`s attention had been shifted from the south to the north of China.



