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中外诗歌名句 共有 401 个词条内容

44.The way ahead is long

    I see no ending,yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending./There are long roads ahead;I will explore all fronts in search of the desti nation./Though it is a long long way in front of me,I would be seeking all the time.—(the Warring States Perio...[继续阅读]


45.Wraths sets on end my hair

    I lean on railings whereI see the drizzling rain has ceased.Raising my eyesTowards the skies,I heave long sighs,My wrath not yet appeased.To dust is gone the fame achieved in thirty years;Like cloud-veiled moon the thousand-mile land disappears.Should you...[继续阅读]


46.A cold rain mingled with the Eastern Stream at night

    At dawn you leave the Southern hills lonely in haze.If my friends in the North should ask if I’m all right,My heart is free of stain as ice in crystal vase.(Farewell to Xin Jian at Lotus Tower,许渊冲译)/Last night the cooling rains from off the River swept th...[继续阅读]


47.A jug of wine amidst the flowers

    Drinking alone,with no friend near.Raising my cup,I beckon the bright moon;My shadow included,we‘re a party of three.(张廷琛、魏博思译)/An arbour of flowers and a kettle of wine:Alas!In the bowers no companion is mine.Then the moon sheds her rays on my goblet and...[继续阅读]


48.A mother’s love is like an island

    In life’s ocean vast and wide,A peaceful,quiet shelterFrom the restless,rising tide.—(America)Helen Steiner Rice,A Mother’s Love,Extract母爱就像是一座海岛,在广阔无垠的人生海洋,一个安全平静的庇护,远离汹涌不息的海浪。——(美)海伦·莱斯《母爱...[继续阅读]


50.Alone,a lonely stranger in a foreign land

    I doubly pine for kinsfolk on this holiday.I am so aware of you all,cornels in hand,Atop a hill now and missing me faraway.(曹顺发译)—(Tang)Wang Wei,Thinking of My Brotherts on Moutain-Climbing Day独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。...[继续阅读]


53.Beware of heartbreak with grievance overfull

    Range far your eye over long vistas.Do not say the waters of Kunming Lake are too shallow,For watching fish they are better than Fuchun River.—Mao Zedong,Lu Shi,Reply to Mr.Liu Yazi,1949,Extract牢骚太盛防肠断,风物长益放眼量。莫道昆明湖水浅,观鱼胜过富春江。——毛泽...[继续阅读]


54.Does the lakeside spring scene the same remain

    Three years have passed now that I come again.Across the surface of the lake the east wind blows my boat,The willow branches wreath by wreath caress my face and coat.I’m used to life both high and low,My heart’s at ease wherever I go.Water looks like the ...[继续阅读]


56.From the thread a mother's hand weaves

    A gown for parting son is made;Sewn stitch by stitch before he leavesFor fear his return be delayed.Sush kindness as young grass receivesFrom the warm sun can be repaid?(Song of the Parting Son,许渊冲译)/Through a kind mother’s hands passed the threadThat mad...[继续阅读]


57.From wind and thunder comes a nation’s vital force

    What a great pity not to hear a neighing horse!I urge the Lord of Heave to brace up again,And send down talents of all kinds to Central Plain.(许渊冲译)/Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality;Alas,the ten thousand horses all muted!O Heaven...[继续阅读]
